Sounds of a Frozen Lake
It’s so cold in Minnesota… that when lakes freeze, they make oddly satisfying sounds.
It’s so cold in Minnesota… that when lakes freeze, they make oddly satisfying sounds.
It’s so cold in Minnesota… that lakes freeze and you can walk on them.
It’s so cold in Minnesota… that you can make windows out of ice and punch them out.
It’s so cold in Minnesota, that chocolate milkshakes freeze mid-air.
It’s the coldest Valentine’s Day in Minnesota since 1923. Learn how to have Valentine’s Day in the freezing cold. Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can make Frozen Eggs, Frozen Spaghetti, Frozen Flowers, Frozen Chocolate Caramel, Hot Chocolate in the Air, and Ice Glasses. Frozen roses, frozen daises.
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… you make get frozen toilet paper to suspend itself in the air!
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… you make a pretty cool looking shaved ice bar.
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… you make amazing sounds by hitting golf balls onto a frozen lake (We picked them all up a week and a half later when the ice was thick enough to ice skate on).
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… you can make amazing sounds by throwing rocks across a frozen lake.
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… you can skip ice across a lake
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… you can make a huge carousel with ice on a frozen lake.
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… eggs freeze on top of each other when you crack them outside on the sidewalk.
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… you can get an even better Hot Mentos & Diet Coke effect in the cold.
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can set your spaghetti outside and it will freeze in mid-air.
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can make a house out of Frozen Orbeez.
This was our biggest Minnesota Cold experiment ever. We started building the frame in the fall and finally completed the house after dumping Orbeez into it for 15 days straight. I also spent the night in it after it was built.
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Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can crack an egg and it will freeze in mid-air. You can also fry an egg in the cold.
I took advantage of one of the coldest days in the past twenty years to try some experiments with freezing eggs.
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Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can build a house out of bricks made from ice (if it stays cold long enough). I attempted this one two different winters and failed both times. Stay tuned for my bigger and better idea this year!
I attempted this one twice and a stretch of warm weather killed the project both times. This year I’ve got a new idea that hopefully will work well!
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can build an ice rink in your backyard. This video shows how to make a backyard ice rink and how to add a logo to a DIY hockey rink. Special thanks to Dan & Lucy Olson and their ice skating kids!
Everyone loves to ice skate. Now you can make your own rink in your yard with these instructions!
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can spray down your playground to turn it into an ice castle (almost). This one didn’t turn out so well, but it was still fun to give the idea a try. Maybe given a little more time… Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
I was hoping that this one would have worked better than it did. Oh well, sometimes that’s the way it goes…
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can light up your sidewalk walkway with ice lantern luminaries. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
If you’re looking for some fun ideas for ice decorations for your Super Bowl party, try making these luminaries out of ice .
Minnesota Cold Part 19A shows you how to make Ice Glasses and Ice Bowls.
Minnesota Cold Part 19B shows you how to make Ice Candle Holders, Ice Bowls, and Ice Vases.
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can make candle holders, bowls, and vases out of ice. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
If you’re looking for some fun ideas for ice decorations for your Super Bowl party, try making these ice orb candle holders made out of ice, bowls made out of ice, and vases made out of ice for your frozen flowers.
Minnesota Cold Part 19A shows you how to make Frozen Ice Glasses and Frozen Ice Bowls.
Minnesota Cold Part 20 show you how to make Ice Luminaries for your winter party.
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can make glasses and a punch bowl out of ice. . Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
If you’re looking for some fun ideas for ice decorations for your Super Bowl party, try making these frozen ice glasses and punch bowl. I also show you how to make the slushy punch to drink with it.
Minnesota Cold Part 19B shows you how to make Ice Candle Holders, Ice Bowls, and Ice Vases.
Minnesota Cold Part 20 show you how to make Ice Luminaries for your winter party.
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can test out extreme heat versus the extreme cold. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… if you don’t have a sled, you can make one out of frozen Orbeez. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… if you throw a pot of boiling water off a seven story building, it vaporizes before it hits the ground. Watch and subscribe to the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: http://www.youtube.com/nziegler . Special thanks to Steve Carlisle for his assistance in this video.
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… if you forget your flowers outside, they’ll freeze overnight and shatter in the morning. Special thanks to Chicago-Lake Floral in Minneapolis for the donation of the flowers. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can make a human snowball out of frozen towels and roll it down the hill with someone inside. Special thanks to Hugh Brown for going into the human snowball and Steve Carlisle for helping shoot some of the video. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… you can make maple syrup candy in the snow. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… you can freeze your trampoline and jump from your garage to break it. *** Warning. Please do not try this one at home. *** Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… you can freeze your trampoline. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… you can make a piñata with water instead of paste. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… you can make your own slurpees outside. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… you can go bowling outside with a watermelon. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that…you can squirt a Super Soaker water gun and the water vaporizes. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… you can build an igloo and stand on it by just shoveling a bunch of snow into a pile and hollowing it out. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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For additional fun, wire a TV to your Quinzhee and enjoy some hot chocolate outside while watching the Olympics:
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… you can freeze a t-shirt into a ball and shatter it against a wall (or at least you can try). This one didn’t work! Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… you can freeze a towel and go sledding on it. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… you can freeze a t-shirt and break it against a wall. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… bubbles freeze when you blow them outside. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… your hair freezes if you don’t dry it before going outside. I somehow talked my wife into helping me with this one. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
Helpful Hints:
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Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… you can pound a nail with a frozen banana. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
Helpful Hints:
[pt_view id=”ca02b97aae”]
Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota – It’s so cold that… you can throw hot water in the air and it vaporizes. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
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