Minnesota Cold (Part 16) Frozen Flowers
Subscribe to the Minnesota Cold YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/nziegler
Minnesota, it’s so cold that… if you forget your flowers outside, they’ll freeze overnight and shatter in the morning. Special thanks to Chicago-Lake Floral in Minneapolis for the donation of the flowers. Watch and subscribe all of the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments: www.youtube.com/nziegler .
- Flowers
- A hard surface outside to shatter the flowers
- Cold weather
- Pick up some flowers from the local flower shop.
- Set the flowers outside for several hours or overnight.
- Smash the flowers on your sidewalk for a great effect.
Helpful Hints:
- Ask your florist for flowers that they are going to throw out for the weekend (you might get them for free).
- Flowers that have begun or have already opened, work the best.
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