12 Interesting Things I Learned During My Trip To Disneyland and California Adventures
Below are 12 interesting things we learned when visiting Disneyland and California Adventure. Play the video or read about each one below.
1. Across the street from Peter Pan, the Evil Queen peeks out from behind the drapes.
2. Cast members jump from a pontoon and use scuba gear to fix and inspect World of Color.
3. After the fireworks on Main Street, the alley behind the Emporium opens to move the crowd out faster.
4. If you go early to Special Celebrations, cast members give you high 4s as you walk into the park.
5. The lights on Route 66 in Radiator Springs turn on each night at exactly the time of sun set.
6. Every once in a while people get stranded on rides when they break down (and sometimes get compensated!)
7. If you look closely, there are hidden Mickeys everywhere.
8. The private (and secretive) Club 33 doesn’t let you get in very far with a video camera.
9. The Mickey on the Ferris Wheel gets covered with a Mickey shaped screen for the World of Color show.
10. You can get free stuff on big Disney birthdays.
11. Cast members sometimes play jokes on the person who hands them the camera.
12. Disney really likes to play with fire and always ends their shows with a big bang.