Frozen Ice Window
It’s so cold in Minnesota… that you can make windows out of ice and punch them out.
It’s so cold in Minnesota… that you can make windows out of ice and punch them out.
It’s so cold in Minnesota, that chocolate milkshakes freeze mid-air.
It’s the coldest Valentine’s Day in Minnesota since 1923. Learn how to have Valentine’s Day in the freezing cold. Minnesota, it’s so cold that… you can make Frozen Eggs, Frozen Spaghetti, Frozen Flowers, Frozen Chocolate Caramel, Hot Chocolate in the Air, and Ice Glasses. Frozen roses, frozen daises.
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… you make get frozen toilet paper to suspend itself in the air!
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… you make a pretty cool looking shaved ice bar.
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… you make amazing sounds by hitting golf balls onto a frozen lake (We picked them all up a week and a half later when the ice was thick enough to ice skate on).
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… you can make amazing sounds by throwing rocks across a frozen lake.
It’s so cold in Minnesota that… you can skip ice across a lake
Had some fun with the kids and the first snowfall of the year. This video was precursor to the viral “Frozen Trampoline” video. Music used with permission: Circus Waltz FX by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Each year in Minnesota we try to guess when the ice will “go out.” There’s a few weeks when the lakes have some open water and ice on them. In this video, I attempt to paddle fast enough to get the canoe up onto the ice.
When you live in Minnesota, you never know what kind of weather you’re going to get during Spring Break. On this particular year, it snowed 10 inches overnight. It made for a fun last day of Spring Break for me and the kids. Music used with permission: Gold Rush by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
This video will teach you how to wax a wooden toboggan sled. Note: You may want to do this outside because of the fumes.
Our neighbor’s dog Flynn pulls our kids and his through the park on a toboggan. Royalty free music used with permission from Sony Creative Software. To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@storyful.com
Check out the snow fort we built – complete with TV to watch the Winter Olympics.
What better way to watch the Winter Olympic Closing Ceremonies than in a snow fort?
I thought it would be fun to take a bike ride through downtown Minneapolis with my new GoPro camera. Here’s what it’s like from the biker’s perspective. Music used with permission: Call to Adventure by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Hot Water in Minnesota. A short film about what happens when you throw hot water in cold Minnesota. It was -19 degrees Fahrenheit when this movie was filmed. The movie was filmed entirely with a GoPro video camera. Music used with permission: Barroom Ballet by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
It snowed 12 inches so I videotaped my bike commute to work the next day. I duct taped our video camera to the handlebars and this is what I got. Music used with permission by Royalty Free Music.